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The Duggars do not dress like Mormons. The Duggars believe in dressing modestly and have looked for modesty guidelines in The Bible. They have defined modesty for their family as not wearing anything above the knee... this means the boys always wear long pants and the girls always wear skirts that go below the knee. They also believe that girls should not wear pants, as it says in the Bible that women should not wear men's clothing. The Duggars are also sure to avoid anything sleeveless. For the Duggars, these rules apply at all times, even when swimming.

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) have similar modest dress guidelines, because they also follow the teachings of the Bible. They typically do not wear anything above the knee or without sleeves, although they do wear shorts and skirts that go to the knee. Mormon women typically wear pants or shorts as casual clothing, but will wear dresses for church meetings or formal occasions. Most Mormons will change their modesty standards for swimming, avoiding string bikinis but still wearing typical sleeveless bathing suits. The Mormon community is a diverse, global group - and there is some variation in dress standards.

Photo examples comparing the Duggar family's clothing to typical Mormon's clothing in "Related Links".

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