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Q: Why do the Greeks think perseus is a hero?
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Was Perseus the God of War?

Perseus was not a God but a hero. He was a son of Zeus and a human wife (Danae). Perseus saved the princess Andromeda and he killed Medusa.

Who is a better hero perseus or Percy Jackson?

i think persues

What is the culture of Perseus?

Perseus was a hero from Greek mythology.

Was Medusa the mother of Perseus?

No. Danae was the mother of the hero Perseus.

Was Perseus a real person?

No, Perseus was a hero from mythology.

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What was perseus's characteristics?


Was Zeus the father of Perseus?

No, Zeus was the father of the hero Perseus.

How do you spell perseus?

That is the correct spelling of Perseus, a mythical Greek hero.

Why is perseus a hero?

He was a hero because he killed Medusa, the Gorgon.

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Hero who killed Medusa?
