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Q: Why do the aboriginals add material to ochre mixture?
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You add UI to lemon juice what colour is the mixture?

The color will be a fairly strong red as it is a very strong acid in the pH scale.

How do you fix the problem of egg curdling as you make lemon curd?

If your recipe is like mine, you have a thickened lemon mixture that you add egg to. Put some of the hot mixture in the beaten egg stirring it all the time. Add about a third of the mixture to the egg to warm it up and then add that mixture back into the rest of the lemon mixture. Stirring all the time so that the egg will not cook in lumps.

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Place the crushed rock and gem material into rotating drums filled with water. The water will disintegrate the small bits of volcanic material, leaving only diamond crystals intact. Add ferro-silicon sand to the mixture of water and ore to further separate the diamond crystals from the volcanic material.

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Add concentrated sulphuric acid to the mixture

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you add some water to the mixture :D

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Can you add acid-water mixture to heavy duty batteries?

Normally, you only add distilled water.

How you should add mixture water in batteries?

If your battery is not a sealed unit you add pure distilled water.

How do you separate a slurry mixture of salt sand and steel wool?

1. Add water and stir; the sodium chlorode is dissolved. 2. Filter the material; NaCl remain in solution, sand and steel wool on the filter. 3. Dry the solid material. 5. Try to extract the steel wool with an electromagnet.

Is damp soil a heterogeneous mixture?

damp soil does not expand when u add water to it so yes it is a heterogeneous mixture.

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add water so they dissolve

What is a mixture of sand slime and water and used as lubricant to move stones?

You would not add sand to a mixture intended as a lubricant.