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Since the material existence lacks the will and knowledge for planning for the future; the future can only be attributed to the conscious living creator of the universe. Therefore, belief in the creator of the universe is the only possible basis for belief in the future. This means that the atheist claim of disbelief in the creator of the universe cannot be true.


Playing around with the word "believe" does nothing to prove anything in this question. Most people accept that the present moment is contiguous to a past moment and a future moment, no belief in a deity is required for this view of continuity of existence. it should be pointed out that there is no "standard" atheist. The only common position they have is the that there is no deity or deities. A common or agreed on atheist position on the future is not available.


To some degree there does seem to be evidence for the future. We know from experience that we have each had a past and that our past has moved into the present. We also know that our current present was simply the future of the past. Considering we witness this process of the evolution of time constantly it is easy to believe that there will be a future. Weather we are in it or not we will never know though.

We also know that the universe does have a beginning i.e., it was non-existent before coming into existence. Therefore, instead of future, there also could be non-existence. Besides, the human life can end at any moment without prior warning or notice.

Anyway, predictability of the sequence of events means that the universe is an organized and planned event. Therefore, the evidence for the future is basically the evidence for the creator of the universe.

Saeed H H Alyousuf

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Q: Why do the atheists believe in the future without evidence while they claim lack of evidence for their disbelief in the creator of the universe?
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