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The sense of touch is important because it allows one to avoid damaging their skin by contact with noxious stimuli (like heat, or acid for e.g.). So evolutionarily 'touch' would have played a big role in the way humans learned to interact with their environments. Touch is of course important for other things too like braille reading for the blind, fine motor control of the digits (fingers), and sensual pleasure just to name a few.
so that we could have a sense of feeling touch and pressure .

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Q: Why do the face and finger tips have the most sensory receptors?
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Why do your fingertips have the most sensory receptors?

because the face and finger tips are alot more sensitive.

Which area of the body has the most sensory structures?

Face and finger tips The retina of the eye.

Where does the neurons in the primary sensory cortex receive somatic information from?

Most of the sensory information first goes through the thalamus. touch, pressure, pain, taste, and temperature receptors.

Where are most skin receptors located on the body?

your fingers

Where are most sensory receptors located?

In the human being, it is the eye. Hence the ancient method of "stick a needle in your eye" to prove death. No reflex, no life.

What two sense organs have receptors sensitive to chemicals?

Sensory receptors that are sensitive to chemicals are found in the nose and mouth. While chemicals can have a reaction on other parts of the body, the receptors located in the nose and mouth are capable of recognizing these sensations the most.

What is sensory cutaneous innervation?

Sensory cutaneous innervation refers to the nerve receptors in the skin. There are many nerve receptors that measure things like touch, pressure, vibration, and temperature in the skin. The most notable of these are the Merkle disks, Meissner corpusles, Pacianian corpusles, and the Ruffi end organs. Then there are also hair follicle receptors and Krause end bulbs. They all form a network that is sometimes referred to as a dermatome, which is an area of the skin that is innervated by a single nerve root on the spinal cord.

What is sensory innervation?

Sensory cutaneous innervation refers to the nerve receptors in the skin. There are many nerve receptors that measure things like touch, pressure, vibration, and temperature in the skin. The most notable of these are the Merkle disks, Meissner corpusles, Pacianian corpusles, and the Ruffi end organs. Then there are also hair follicle receptors and Krause end bulbs. They all form a network that is sometimes referred to as a dermatome, which is an area of the skin that is innervated by a single nerve root on the spinal cord.

What cutaneous receptors are the most numerous?

Simple Pain receptors.

What receptors adapt most slowly?

Nociceptors are the receptors that adapt most slowly. Other receptors include smell, touch, and pressure receptors, which adapt faster than nociceptors.

What part of the brain are most sensory areas located?

The hands, lips, tongue and genitals have the largest sensory representations. The hands, lips and mouth area also have the largest motor area representation. For more information on this, use the keywords "sensory and motor homunculi"

What type of receptors are most likely to be classified as silent receptors?

Silent receptors are a proportion of total receptors that are to be occupied before there is any response. It is an model and these are not a distinct subgroup of receptors.