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Gills are the underwater equivalent of our lungs and they need those features in order to extract enough oxygen from the water so that they can breath.

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Q: Why do the gills have a large surface area and rich in blood vessels?
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Why do gills have a large surface area and are rich in blood?

because in many organisms like fish etc it is an organ for respiration the gills are supplied with capillaries so that the oxygen absorbed can diffuse into the blood it has large surface area so that more oxygen can be diffused in and more co2 can be removed

Why is the feathery nature of gills gives them a very large surface area is important?

Without the large surface are, the gills would have to be much larger and that may have prevented the development of the organisms that use gills.

What is the effect of histamine on small as well as large blood vessels?

Histamine causes the dilation of the small blood vessels while constrict the large blood vessels.

Why is it important that the gills of a crayfish give them a large surface area?

It is important that the gills of a crayfish give them a large surface area because it helps the crayfish to breathe. The bigger the surface area, the more oxygen in the crayfishes system.Ê

What makes villi good at absorbing food?

large surface area, thin epithelium, highly profused with blood vessels and lymphatics

What is the large peripheral blood vessels into which extra-embryonic blood vessels open?

vitilline vein

Which feature is common to gills lungs and tracheae?

Large surface area

What blood vessel has bigger activities?

Blood vessels are structures that carry the blood from the heart to all the tissues of the body and then back to the heart.arteries: large blood vessels running away from the heartveins: large blood vessels running toward the heart

The feathery nature of the gills gives the crayfish a very large surface area why is this important?

To acquire more oxygen from water as the large SA of the gills allow more water to pass through and thus more O2 from the water to transfer into the gill-bearing creature's bloodstream for respiration

What is the blood that supplies the blood vessels?

small blood vessels called Vaso Vasorum these are for large arteries others by diffusion

How do gills extract oxygen from H2o?

Whale shark gills are similar in structure to other fish gills. Oxygenated water is passed over the gills which have a rich, near surface blood supply and gases are exchanged between the blood and the water. The gills are feathery and have a large surface area so that there is enough gas exchange to keep the fish supplied with the oxygen it needs.

What are the vessels involved in supplying and draining blood from the small and large intestines?

The blood vessels that are involved for supplying and draining blood from the small intestine are called the superior mesenteric. The blood vessels that supply and drain the large intestines are called the inferior mesenteric.