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Q: Why do the ions in an ionic bond stay together?
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Why do the element in an ionic bond stay together after the electron is transferred?

The ions formed are electrostatically attracted to other ions of the opposite charge.

Why does the compound formed by an ionic bond have a neutral charge even though the ions that bond are charged?

Because if its valence electron has 3 protons on the outer shell, then it'll stay charged even though the ions that bond are charged.

How do ions stay together?

magnesium ions

What kind of bond holds together the atoms within the molecule?

There are many types of bonds and forces that bind molecules together. The two most basic types of bonds are ionic and covalent.

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How do the atoms in a water molecule stick together?

Atoms are held together by bonds. There are different kinds of bonds depending on the atoms involved, such as ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds.

Why do electrons stay in orbit around the nucleaus?

because of a ionic bond between the electron and the nucleus

How do molecules say together?

Assuming you meant 'stay' and not 'say' then the answer would be bonds. Atoms within a molecule are bonded together by either covalent or ionic bonds depending on the difference between their negativities. For instance, NaCl, commonly known as table salt, is an ionic bond while CO2 is a covalent bond. A rule of thumb is that if the two atoms are the same time (IE nonmetal or metal) then they are covalent.

Why ions remain together in a compound?

The ions stay together because of the electrostatic force of attraction between the positively charged cations and the negatively charged anions.

Why ionic reactions is not reverssible?

A chemical bond's ability to reverse react is a consequence of its stability. An ionic bond is very strong and very stable, in other words the bond is at a very low energy. A species tends to stay in the lowest energy state possible, so ionic compounds tend to not react unless it is to find a lower energy state.

How do the ions in magnesium oxide stay together?

Because of the magnetic fields which surround the nucleus of the elemeti

How do raindrops stay together?

because they form bond with each other , and they are so minute that these bond can not be break by physical force