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The little people in your head that tell you to kill people are not real. This is part of an illness called schizophrenia. This illness causes people to hear voices and see things that no one else can see. People affected by this illness often feel paranoid, guilty, afraid, and very confused about what is real. This illness can also be related to obsessive compulsive disorder and depression. Sometimes it occurs following a trauma or drug use.

The most important thing is to talk to a therapist about what you are going through. If you have anyone who is trying to reach out to you and to help you, try to trust them and open up to them about what you are experiencing.

It is important that you speak about your concerns - especially the things that are most worrying to you. Speaking up and being honest with yourself to your therapist is the most powerful process. There is no point avoiding difficult discussions - keeping things bottled up will only make it worse. Your therapist will not judge you. They are there because they care about you and can help you more than you know. The more you open up the easier it is for them to help you.

It can be difficult to trust others and you may be paranoid and suspicious about their intentions. The truth is that you have to take the risk of opening up despite your fears. Hiding your true feelings and experiences from your therapist is unhelpful to you and this can prevent you from moving forward.

There are a lot of people that experience what you are going through. Often this type of experience can occur in adolescence. It is important that you consistently take medication (if prescribed by your doctor) and stick with a daily routine as this will help with your recovery. It might also be useful to talk with others who are experiencing similar illnesses. You may benefit from attending groups.

Remember to take a day at a time and don't be hard on yourself. You will get through this - just keep asking for help and it will be there for you.

Learn to trust and love yourself. If the little people in your head put you down, criticise you, or punish you for not acting out their demands you need to say or do something to reward yourself and build up your self esteem.

Remember, they are not real - they appear real to you but they are part of an illness. We all have voices in our heads - it's part of our subconscious mind. Most people have their own voice in their heads. It is not uncommon to have negative, intrusive or disturbing thoughts about yourself or others. The way to regain control of your life is to change the way you think about yourself and even if you have little people in your head trying to bully you by shouting horrible things, you can choose to believe them or challenge them. You must learn to stand up for yourself, in your mind and in your life. Learn to express yourself even if others don't agree and be who ever you want to be.

In fact as difficult as this sounds, the more you keep trying to live your life, the little people in your head will get weaker as you become stronger, you will learn to master control over them. They have no choice but to accept your changes - even if at first they scream and try to resist, they are not real and they will disappear in time.

Be patient. Be kind to yourself. Be around people that make you feel good. Most importantly NEVER GIVE UP. Even if part of you wants to give up or give in, keep persisting and start to imagine the life that you desire. Focus your energy towards achieving your hopes and dreams.

Every day may be a challenge but the first step is getting out of bed, doing the day to day tasks (even if you feel you have no energy or will to do this). Keep persisting with this. When the little people tell you to kill people, do the opposite. Do something nice for someone. Or if you are angry with something, be assertive and tell people why you feel angry. Use your words instead of violence.

Good luck and please post back soon.

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