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because the atomic is the sum of no of proton and no of neutron

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Q: Why do the mass of atom depend upon the nucleus?
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Related questions

What does the nucleus of an atom not contain?

The nucleus of an atom doesn't contain electrons, but it does contain protons and neutrons.

What is the difference between the mass of an atom and the masses of its particles?

The nucleus of an atom contains essentially all the mass. The mass of an electron is 1/1836 of that of a proton.So, since the nucleus contains both neutrons and protons, and the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons; for a reasonable massy atom, the mass of the electrons will be roughly 1/(2 x 1836) of the atom.

What is the fraction of the hydrogen atom's mass that is in the nucleus?

The atom's nucleus usually contains at least 99% of the atom's mass. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons, and outside the nucleus reside the atom's electrons. A proton is about 1,836 times an electron's mass, and a proton's mass is similar to a neutron's mass. Therefore, an atom's electrons barely have any mass at all, compared to that atom's nucleus.

How did Ernest Rutherford change the atomic model?

Before Rutherford, scientists assumed that the atom was a single particle. Rutherford presented his revolutionary, physical atomic model that suggested an atom consists of a central charge (the term 'nucleus' was coined after Rutherford's model was presented) that is surrounded, presumably, by a cloud of orbiting electrons. He showed that most of an atom's mass was located in the atom's nucleus. Rutherford's model was later improved upon by Niels Bohr, father of the Bohr-model. Rutherford made no connection to an element's atomic number and the number of protons within an atom's nucleus; however, his atomic model paved the way for the discovery of this correlation only a couple years after his model was designed.

What is the total energy of a revolving electron in an atom?

The energy of an electron which is (in a sense) revolving around the nucleus (it is actually distributed around the nucleus in the form of a cloud) depends upon how far it is from the nucleus, and also depends upon the number of protons in the nucleus. Nuclear physics is complicated.

What quantities does angular momentum depend upon?

mass, velocity, and radius.

What two thing does acceleration depend upon?

mass and net foce

Is radius of gyration depend on mass?

i thing radius of gyration does not depend upon mass because it is the distance between reference axis and the centre of gravity.

What was the discovery about the nucleus from Rutherford?

It is true that an atom has a nucleus. As for which model of the atom is thought to be true, at the present time we use a model based upon quantum mechanics which differs significantly from the early Rutherford or Bohr atomic models.

What is the total amount of charge a nucleus carries?

It depend upon number of protons.It is always possitively charged.

Does the properties of an element depend upon both the number and type of subatomic paritcles in an atom?


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