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Q: Why do the quince fall off a young plant?
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Are the leaves of a weed plant supposed to fall off?

No cut them off

A young plant grown from a seed?

yes plant starts off as a seed then it sprouts then its done

You are part of a plant you fall off deciduous trees On a ginkgo you are fan-shaped What am I?

a gymnosperm

What might happen to the leaves of a plant if it was not watered?

They fall off and turn rainbow colors )

Would a weed plant die if it leaves fall off?

no but it will take longer for it to grow..sadly :[

What is the scientific term for a stage in plant succession?

-Deciduous , when all the leaves fall off at once.

What happens when a marijuana plant goes to long?

The THC degrades and will not get you high anymore. The bud will eventually fall off like fruit from any other plant

What parts of the eyebright plant are used for medicinal purposes?

The plant is harvested during the late summer or fall when the flowers are in bloom. The whole plant is cut off just above the root and then dried.

How are dates seed dispersed?

They can fall off their tree or plant and an animal will eat the date and the seeds will come out of their behind.

What happens to the male parts of the flower after fertilisation has taken place?

They fall off taking away the plant's manhood and pride.

How long does Kale take to Harvest?

Kale is most flavorful when harvested young, but you can harvest any time during the growing season. Just snip leaves with a sharp knife, and the plants will produce more. Cut off the entire plant and the root may generate an entirely new plant in an effort to produce seed.

How you think animals help the plant that produces the burr?

Animals help the plant by participating in seed dispersal. The burr contains the seeds of the plant and when it attaches to an animal and is carried some place else, the burr will fall off or be taken off. The seeds inside the burr will then grow in the new location and will spread the growth of the plant.