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Actually, it's "Barry." He went through a period of time in high school when he wanted an American-sounding name, so he changed Barack into a shortened version and it became his nickname-- "Barry." But he stopped using it in college and went back to his real name, Barack.

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Q: Why do they call Barack Obama berry for a nickname?
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How did barack obama get his nickname?

I am not sure which nickname you are asking about. When he was younger, President Obama shortened his birth name of Barack and turned it into "Barry." But eventually, when he was in college, he decided to embrace his name and he has not used "Barry" since that time. It has not been reported that he has another nickname, although some of his friends jokingly call him "No Drama Obama" because he is known for having a basically calm personality and not getting involved in lots of emotion and drama.

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The era of too much taxesOR, government by grown-ups (Obama has actually reduced taxes)

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FLOTUS - first lady of the united states