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Originally this term literally meant "horse doctor" but the meaning has changed so that now it means one who shoes horses.

The origin of the term may go back to the time of William the Conqueror who instructed one Henry de Farrariis to care for his horses.

Other conjecture has it that may have come from the Latin term Faber ferrarius (Faber meaning craftsman and ferrarius meaning metal), together literally means blacksmith.

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Q: Why do they call a person who puts shoes on a horse a farrier?
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Related questions

What the name of the person who shoes a horse?

He/she's called a farrier. He/she also clips horses "toes"

What do you call someonethat fixes horse shoes?

Farrier or blacksmith

If a horse loses a shoe what do you do?

call a farrier

What does it mean if horses hoof absesses?

The horse's hoof has an infection. Do not ride the horse but call your farrier.

What do you call a person obsessed with shoes?

a shoeaveor

Where can you find someone to shoe a horse?

to get your horse shod call a farrier if you don't know where a farrier is then check a pony club notice Bord or a notice Bord in a saddlery ask fellow horse people.

If a horse has blue patches growing at the bottom front of its hoof then what is the problem?

Your horse is in danger call a farrier and a vet immediately!

What is the best thing to do to a damaging job done by a horse sh-oer?

Let your horse's feet grow and call another farrier.

What can you call your farrier business?

A farrier is a specialist in equine hoof care, including the trimming and balancing of horses' hooves and the placing of shoes on their hooves, if necessary. A farrier combines some blacksmith's skills (fabricating, adapting, and adjusting metal shoes) with some veterinarian's skills (knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the lower limb) to care for horses' feet.

What do you call a person who looks after cavalry horses?

A hostler or ostler is a groom or stableman, who is employed in a stable to take care of horses. They might be treated for injuries or illnesses by a veterinarian, and the condition of their feet and shoes was handled by a farrier. However, day to day care of the cavalry mount was by the soldier that rode the horse. A knight would be aided by his squire.

What do you call a person who rides horse?

The equestrian

What do you do to make a horse happy?

Take proper care of it. Call a vet to check your horse. Feed it quality food. Clean his/her stall. Don't spoil it. Call a farrier to check it's feet. Provide clean water. Exercise it. All these things, and others, help make a happy horse.