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Q: Why do they have to cut back on their food rations?
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Why did anne and the others had to cut back on their food rations?

Anne Frank and the others had to cut back on their food rations because they were in hiding during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, and food was scarce. By rationing their food supply, they were able to make it last longer and survive in hiding without drawing attention to their location.

What are starvation rations?

umm i think it is for when you run out of food and really need rations you would get it from there.

What kind of food do the soldiers eat?

Mess food or field rations.

What are t rats in military food?

total rations.

How was the food provided in the Vietnam War?

C-Rations and mess hall food on base

At Vietnam what was the food like?

"C" Rations (canned foods).

What were the food rations in the Chattanooga battle?

i think that it is the grain of corn

How do you write an ideal menu for dinner breakfast and lunch?

Look at the food pyramid's rations for each type of food. Separate your favorite foods into categories on the food pyramid, you can try looking them up online. Then divide the rations and add the individual amounts for each meal to make sure they match up with the food pyramid's rations. Enjoy your meals!

What was in a World War 1 rations?

clothes and food there were alsorts of food you could buy but all rationed if you didnt get there quick to the shops you probably wouldn't get your rations they will prob have all gone. and condoms

Who is the most responsive to rational appeals?

Ministry of food were responsible for rations and most food imports.

What does it mean when a ration said spare during World War 2?

Rations where nicknames for the portable meals the soldiers carried. There were C Rations and K Rations. So when an officer says "Preserve your rations" he means use them sparingly so you don't run out of food.

Why is there a crescent moon on a mre box?

It is the NATO symbol for food rations.