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Because the latin name for the element is the one most often used.

Thus iron (ferrum) Fe.

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Q: Why do they use letter that is not in the element names to be its symbol?
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What do letters in the boxes in the periodic table represent?

They are the symbols for the elements . Often they are some of the letters of the English name.For example, Si means Silicon. Silver cannot be Si as well. Therefore, we use the Latin translation, Argentium, to create Ag.

What is an element's 'symbol'?

element symbols are abbreviation of elements name like gold's symbol is Au. always first letter is cap. and second is lowered i hope this helped you.

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What is the symbol they use for the element iron?

They use Fe for Iron.

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What symbol do CHINESE scientist use for element carbon?

Scientists around the world use the same element symbols. Chinese scientists would use C as the symbol for Carbon, as would any scientist.

What symbol is always use in front of a formula?

With the symbol of a chemical element - of course, if you think to a chemical formula.

Why do some element have unusual letter for their symbols?

some elements do not use their first letters of their English names as their symbols. The symbols for these elements may come from the names of the elements in a different language.

What do you use to represent an element?

The atomic symbol on the Periodic Table of Elements

Why is the symbol of Celsius written in capital?

Just like the Fahrenheit symbol, both scales were named after their inventors, Anders Celsius and Daniel Fahrenheit. It became custom to simply use the first letter of their last names as the symbol for the scale. Since everyone capitalizes their initials and their names, the symbols for the scales are capitalized also.

How do you represent an element?

Chemical Symbols are used to represent elements

What is the symbol for elements?

There is no symbol for "element", other than using a placeholder. For example, if you want to refer to the oxides of group II metals, you might use the generic formula "MO." Some common placeholders are M and X for a generic metal and nonmetal (especially a halogen) respectively. A and B are also pretty common for any kind of generic element.