

Why do tigers live in the savanna?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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there is a lot of hiding spots for the tiger to hide and stake there pray

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Q: Why do tigers live in the savanna?
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Zebras, lions, tigers, gazelles.

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no because tigers are tropical and love trees and it is lions that live in the savanna because the trees are scarce and they like the sun.No, tigers prefer large space with medium forests, near to rivers. Lions live in savanna.

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Many species of tigers tend to live in Northern Coniferous or Deciduous rainforests.

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= = they live in the savanna

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The stripes camouflage the tiger, helping the tiger blend in to the grasses of the savanna in witch they live.

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its a place where animals live

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In the savanna in Southern Africa

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they live in the grass lands in the savanna and there strips help them to clamaflarge in the grasss

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There are too many predators. Lions, tigers, and panthers are abundantly found in the Savannah. It would be a constant battle to survive, and the crops would be eaten.

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