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It just so happens that the best climate for producing tornadoes is the type in which grasslands develop.

Many tornadoes have also touched down in forests as well.

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Q: Why do tornadoes form over open fields?
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What type of surface area do tornadoes and hurricanes form?

Hurricanes can form only open warm ocean water with a temperature of least 80 degrees or 26 celsius. Tornadoes can form over land or water. A tornado formed over water is called a waterspout. Tornadoes can almost anywhere in the world with the right weather conditions. Their have been tornadoes on six continents. Hurricanes form in the tropics and then follow paths that take them either over land or they or they stay over the open ocean.

What do hurricanes and tornadoes form over?

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water. Tornadoes can form just about anywhere.

Do tornadoes form over cold water or tropic waters?

Generally tornadoes form over land, not water.

Does tornadoes form by land or water?

Tornadoes most often form on land, but they can form over water.

Do tornadoes form over land?

Tornadoes usually form on land, but they can form on water in which case they are called waterspouts.

Can tornadoes form over water?

Yes. Tornadoes formed over water are called waterspouts.

Do all tornadoes form over over land?

No, some form over the sea.

Tornadoes and hurricanes develop over what?

Hurricanes develop over warm ocean water. Tornadoes usually form over land.

Tornadoes and hurricanes develop over which of the following?

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water while tornadoes usually form over land.

Do tornadoes begin over the ocean why or why not?

Generally not. Tornadoes form from thunderstorms called supercells, which form under similar conditions to ordinary thunderstorms and as anybody can tell you, thunderstorms don't need to form over an ocean. That said, some tornadoes do form on the ocean.

Does a hurricane originate over water or land?

They form over water.Hurricanes form over water, tornadoes form over land

Do tornadoes usually form over land?
