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Hurricanes can form only open warm ocean water with a temperature of least 80 degrees or 26 celsius. Tornadoes can form over land or water. A tornado formed over water is called a waterspout. Tornadoes can almost anywhere in the world with the right weather conditions. Their have been tornadoes on six continents. Hurricanes form in the tropics and then follow paths that take them either over land or they or they stay over the open ocean.

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Q: What type of surface area do tornadoes and hurricanes form?
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What do hurricanes and tornadoes form over?

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water. Tornadoes can form just about anywhere.

Why aren't tornadoes and hurricanes on the moon?

The moon has no atmosphere for tornadoes, hurricanes or any type of storm to form in.

Does a hurricane come before a tornado?

No. While many hurricanes do produce tornadoes, most tornadoes are the result of storm systems other than hurricanes. Addtionally, the tornadoes that do form in hurricanes usually form along the front part of the storm.

Tornadoes and hurricanes develop over what?

Hurricanes develop over warm ocean water. Tornadoes usually form over land.

Tornadoes and hurricanes develop over which of the following?

Hurricanes form over warm ocean water while tornadoes usually form over land.

Do both tornadoes and hurricanes form from high pressure systems?

No. Like most forms of violent weather, hurricanes and tornadoes are associated with low pressure.

Where can you find tornadoes and hurricanes-?

Tornadoes can be found on land, mostly like in the Tornado Alley area such as Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas. Hurricanes can be found out in the ocean and coast areas primarily in tropical regions.

What do most hurricanes form?

rains, winds, tornadoes, thunder, and lightning

Does Minnesota get hurricanes or tornadoes?

Minnesota gets tornadoes but not hurricanes. Hurricanes form over wam ocean water and do not last very long over land. Minnesota is much too far from the ocean.

Where do tornadoes and hurricanes from on land?

Hurricanes cannot form on land; they can only form over warm ocean water. Tornadoes can form almost anywhere, but are most common in areas with a warm temperate to subtropical climate. The most tornado-prone area in the world is Tornado Alley, which covers much of the Great Plains in the central U.S.

What time of the year are tornadoes and hurricanes most likely to form?

Hurricanes are most common in summer and early fall. Tornadoes are most common in spring and early summer.

Which occurs in the tropics Tornadoes or hurricanes?

Both can occur in the tropics. However it is hurricanes that almost exclusively form in the tropics.