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because the foxes might eat them

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Q: Why do town people have to lock up their pets at night when foxes are out?
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Do people really keep Arctic foxes as pets?


What endangers fennec foxes?

people taking them in as pets and hunting them for their pelts!!

Has anyone managed to keep a fox as a pet?

There are actually HUNDREDS of people around the US who own foxes as pets. They buy them from the many breeders around the US, who have been breeding domestic foxes for generations to sell as pets.

Are foxes allowed as pets in Alabama?

No foxes can't be pets in the U.S. it is illegal This is completely incorrect. Foxes as pets are legal in the United States, but a few states have bans on them. To find out if they are legal in your area, call your local Wildlife center to get all the details.

Do some people have red foxes for pets?

Foxes do not make good pets. They are not domesticated like dogs, and remain wild and liable to bite humans or destroy your belongings. If you like the look of a fox, you should get a dog that looks like a fox instead.

What are positive human impacts on fennec foxes?

The people of Morocco refuse to eat fennec Fox meat, believing that it is foul in taste. While other people who live in the continent of Africa hunt fennec foxes for fur and meat. Others trap them to sell for pets.

On the sims 2 pets were can you get the a dog litter box?

on the sims 2 pets there is no dog litter box. but maybe some how you could train them to do it outside, i know you can train cats to use the toilet but not dogs. you could confine them to a room at night with some food and a bed then lock the door by clicking on it and saying lock, disallow pets and then they only pee in that room. hope this helps! xxx

What animals live in the UK?

foxes and dogs and cats and pets and horsesdogs and cats

Are Fennec foxes legal to own as pets in Nevada?

Yes, they are legal in Nevada and make adorable and wonderful pets!

Can you have pets in The Sims 3 Late Night?

You cannot have pets in The Sims 3 Late Night, unless you have Pets installed on your computer as well.

Is the fennec fox dangerous?

The Fennec Fox can be dangerous during breeding season, but usually can be quite sane - many people have them as pets!

What are a fennec foxes behavioral adaptations?

THey live in groups, unlike other foxes. That makes them better pets, because they are used to other creatures.