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Q: Why do trees have large long taproots?
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Are taproots long?

Depends on the plant species

What is the large root that taproots have?

The tap root is (in most plants) the largest root.

What plant has long roots?

Dandelions have long taproots.

Is squash a tap root?

Further, the taproot of squash and other vine crops must not be damaged in Long taproots and branching surface roots enable squash plants to access soil they are over-large, with large seeds, hard skins, and fibrous or watery flesh.

Why do plant have taproots?

Taproots are the anchor roots of plants . The taller the plant the deeper the tap root.

Are taproots edible?

Yes. There are four types of edible taproots. They are carrots, beets, radishes, and turnups.

How does the taproot help the plant to reproduce?

Yes taproots reproduce becuase if you do stem cuttings then if the male or female plant already had taproots then that plant that has had a stem cutting then the new plant will have taproots.

Do peas have taproots?


Why taproots are used more often than the fibrous?

Taproots have one long main root that goes deep into the soil and anchors it down. It can suck up more water than fibrous roots, which are a tangled mass that looks like Davy Jones's tentacles. Therefore, the taproot plants will be more ripe since they can get more water, which is why we eat them more. :9

What is a collective noun for a lot of trees?

A "forest of trees" is a large number of trees.An "orchard of trees" is a large number of fruit trees.

What is a taproot and why are they often used as food sources?

Taproots are normally large, straight and fleshy; they are used for anchorage but also sometimes as storage organs - like the carrot

Do bushes have taproots?

no or yes it depends on its stems....