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Answer: Vegetarians have a higher intake of complex carbohydrates.

Answer: Meat takes a lot of energy to digest.

Answer: Not all vegetarians have more energy, some have a loss of energy. It's all in how a vegetarian diet matches with an individual's body.

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Q: Why do vegetarians have more energy?
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How does vegetarians obtain energy in the energy pyramid?

The vegetarians obtain energy in the energy pyramid because vegetables contain more nutrients

More restaurants should cater to vegetarians.?

More restaurants should cater to vegetarians.

Do vegetarians get all their energy from plants?

Mostly yes.

Are Red Rooster energy drinks suitable for vegetarians?

no....not suitable

Could some lions be vegetarians?

No lions can not be vegetarians they always eat meat to get more energy so they could hunt for more. If a lion was a vegetarian then that would be the day that is why we don't see wild lions from Africa come here and just roam around all the states.

Do vegetarians get affected by the Coronavirus?

No, the meat that non-vegetarians eat makes them more susceptible to coronavirus. Of course vegetarians can get coronavirus!

Does it save energy to be a vegitarian?

Yes, it sort of does save energy because vegetarians mostly eat vegetables.

Do Vegetarians eat healthier?

Vegetarians typically get up to 100% more fiber and up to 50% less cholesterol from food than non-vegetarians

Why do herbivores lose more percentage of energy?

Because meat has more protein and energy is used a lot in carnivores, so they constantly eat meat. But herbivores lose more percentage of their energy because they aren't constantly eating fruits and vegetables. In humans, vegetarians don't have enough energy because they don't eat meat. Meat is a very good source of energy.

Are vegetarians more likely to be attacked by animals?


Why do meat eaters get constipation more than vegetarians?

Meat doesn't have fiber in it. Vegetarians eat foods high in fiber.

Do vegetarians defecate less?

Vegetarians will defecate more if they take in much more natural fiber. At the same time, a meat eater will also defecate more the more naturally fibrous foods they consume.