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not all vegetarians tell people to eat vegies .and i don't think you can be allergic to all the vegies and that's a stupid question im sorry

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Q: Why do vegetarians tell people to eat vegetables when people could be allergic to vegetables?
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Yes. If you have a grass pollen allergy, you could be affected by Swiss chard and a few other vegetables. Speak to your doctor.

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Absolutely! could be spores & mold, even non rotting potatoes could cause an allergic reaction in some people.

Can you be allergic to the beach?

No but someone could be allergic to sand.

Allergic reaction to banana?

An allergic reaction to a banana isn't very common, but it does happen. Some people are allergic to the form of protein contained in the banana. Additionally, if you're allergic to the banana, you could also be allergic to watermelon, cantaloupe kiwi, avocado and chestnuts and latex. Some people aren't actually allergic to bananas, they're allergic to the gas used to ripen bananas.