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It is mainly due to fear and shame, as usually the abuser are related to the girl and get their confidence .

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Q: Why do victims protect their abusers?
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1.5% of the country's children were confirmed victims of abuse in 1996. Parents were the abusers in 77% of the confirmed cases, other relatives in 11%.

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I dont think there is a answer to that. Its secret, kept from family and friends. Abuse and domestic violence can happen to anyone but you can be more likely if they were were abused by someone as a child, saw abuse growing up, have low self esteem. However not always. Anyone can be in this position and anyone can be the abuser although abusers generally cant be single and are good at keeping things that are happening away from family and friends. Sometimes abusers family support the excuses of abusers they are stressed, didnt mean to, victims provoked them. Usually victims are separated from loved ones, they may push family away, protect.their partner from critism. Nobody is immune from domestic violence in their family all I would say is be there they may push you away but its the nature of the abuser keeping them dependant on them. It is not the victims fault and.they may not want help. This can be extremely hard for family members that want to take them out of the situation to protect them.

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Lawyers should be lawyers because to serve and protect clients and their victims

What precautions should be taken to protect personnel involved in the transport of victims?

all answers correct.

How do the national human rights commission protect human rights?

combating human trafficking and providing shelter of its victims.

Who regulates sexual behavior?

Hopefully the individual themselves. If not, there are laws that protect potential victims against sexual predators.

What are some books or websites that cover myths about abuse victims similar to the '10 Myths About Abusers' in Lundy Bancroft's book 'Why Does He Do That'?

Go here: and check out the links on the left side of the page. ~ T