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Vitamins do not normally give you headaches, However, if you take far too many vitamins then that is the likely cause of headaches. Ask your doctor for some advice on this particular subject, always best to be on the safe side.

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Q: Why do vitamins give you a headache?
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No. Actually it may ease a headache.

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The vessels need to be dilated in order to relieve a headache. Some vitamins that are good for that are the same as when someone is having a heart attack. Magnesium, some B vitamins, and calcium.

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If you suffer from migraines Excederin Migraine can be taken at the onset of the headache and ease the pain and eliminate the headache. Make sure you also are drinking enough water.

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Reading can be a headache trigger for certain individuals, depending upon which type of headache disorder they suffer. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, consult a board certified headache specialist.