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The large stratovolcanoes of the Cascades and the Andes are magnificent pieces of geologic architecture when it comes to strength of a mountain. So immense pressures can build. Therefore, when the mountain finally does erupt, it will be (again, not 100% always, but "pretty much") highly explosive, and very dangerous, not just from the blast, but also from pyroclastic flows of water, lava, and various superheated debris.

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13y ago

at a convergent boundary, one of the plates is forced underneath the other one. The plate that is forced down sinks into the mantle, and gets heated rapidly and melts. This new hot liquid rock then rises to the surface due to convection currents and causes magma pockets, which in turn create volcanoes

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Q: Why do volcanoes tend to be more explosive at convergent boundaries than at divergent boundaries?
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Plates do not cause volcanoes. Volcanoes generally form at the boundaries between plates. They form at convergent and divergent boundaries.

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Earthquakes can occur at any type of plate boundary, but the most powerful earthquakes tend to occur at convergent boundaries and at transform boundaries.

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Divergent and convergent plate boundaries. You can look up more info on google.

Is a volcano a convergent boundary?

No. A volcano is not a plate boundary. Most volcanoes on land are associated with convergent boundaries, but many are associated with divergent boundaries and others with hot spots.

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Volcanoes can form at convergent boundaries, divergent boundaries, and at hot spots away from any plate boundary.

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There are two plate boundaries that cause volcanoes. They are the divergent and convergent plate boundaries.