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Q: Why do warmer wetter biomes have higher net primary productivity?
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The higher up you are the colder it gets (Ex. Kilimanjaro and Everest). When you are closer to ground level it is generally warmer.

Is 69F warmer than 74F?

No. Higher number= higher temperature. No, 74f is warmer than 69f.

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Warmer atmosphere

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There are not really seasons in some biomes, but the grassland is usually warmer all year, but in "winter" it gets cooler but doesn't usually snows.

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7 degrees Celsius is warmer than 3.5. The higher the number in degrees, the warmer it is!

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The warmer a solution becomes, the higher the salinity can be. Warmer water can have more of a salt dissolved in it.

What is the primary the south and the west have increased in population in recent years?

a preference for warmer climates.

Why does it get colder in higher elevation?

Your about to leave Earth's regular temperature. In other words, at the surface of Earth, it's actually more warmer down there. But once you get higher, it starts to get less warmer and starts to get more colder. The higher you go, the colder it gets.

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The higher the number, the colder it becomes .

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A refrigerator gets colder when the number is turned higher.

What is the primary reason the South in the West have increased in population in recent years?

a preference for warmer climates.

What is the primary reason the south and west have increased in population in recent years?

a preference for warmer climates.