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Water stick insects favor being on the surface of the water because this is where their food accumulates. Also, if they were under the water, they would not survive.

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Q: Why do water stick insect needs to be on the surface of the water?
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why water stick insect lives on the surface of the pond?

The insect uses the waters surface tension to walk where others can’t. His only problem comes from below.

Where are water insects likely to be found?

Water bugs would be found in or near the water. For instance, the Water Stick Insect hides amongst reeds and stems where it waits, camouflaged, to ambush its prey. It uses its long, thin 'tail' as a siphon for breathing: it protrudes above the water's surface and acts just like a snorkel.

How can insect float on water?

due to surface tension

Does water stick insect trap sir bubbles to breath?

The water stick insect breathes oxygen even though it can swim under water. It has a long tube that comes off its back through which it inhales and exhales.

What does water stick insect eats?

Tadpoles, insects and small fish

How does water polar molecule keep the insect from falling into the water?

surface tension

How can insect walk on water?

the surface tension on the top of the water so if you look at a glass of water when it is full and about to overflow there is a hump thing its not flat that is how they can walk on water

What special property of liquid is shown when an insect walks on the surface of water?

A high surface tension

What are the Example of animals breath through spiracles?

Water. Stick. Insect

Do stick insects eat leaves?

Yes, all stick insects are vegetarian. Leaves are their main diet. (The water stick insect, or water scorpion, is a different family. It is a carnivore.)

Do water stick insect have gills to breathe in water?

Stick insects do not live in water. However, insects that live permanently submerged in water for part of their lives (such as mayfly larva) do have gills. Others like mosquito larvae do still come up to the surface to breath air and still others like water beetles carry a bubble of air with them underwater.

What is the insect known for using surface tension to walk on water?

Pond skimmers