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Q: Why do we add water to yeast in the elephant toothpaste experiment?
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Can you make elephant toothpaste without yeast?

Yes. You can make elephant toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide, liver, and dish soap.

What is elephant toothpaste?

Elephant's Toothpaste is combined substances (yeast, water, 20 volume hydrogen peroxide liquid and food coloring) that once formed together they bubble up like a fountain.

Does elephant toothpaste work even if the yeast mixture is cold?

no it doesnt

What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide powdered yeast and dishwashing liquid?

When the three chemicals are combined it creates a foam like substance which expands. This is a common experiment and can be easily created in your own house or in a science laboratory. It is often referred to as Elephants Toothpaste.

What do you need for a yeast balloon experiment?

Yeast of course, beer bottle, water, balloon and sugar maple syrup.

What is the purpose of yeast plus water in a sugar and yeast experiment?

i had the same exact question for my science report determining wether or not yeast cells are alive.

What is the control in a bread mold experiment?

The bottle that contains only yeast and water. The experimental group in the bottle with yeast, water, AND sugar.

Can any type of yeast be used for elephant toothpaste?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is always decomposing to release oxygen and water, but it does so slowly. In elephant toothpaste, the hydrogen peroxide is mixed with detergent and food color and then saturated iodide solution is added. The iodide acts as a catalyst so that the H2O2 breaks down really quickly. All the gas bubbles released makes the detergent bubble up suddenly.

What is a scientific question for elephant toothpaste?

This is not an investigation, so it doesn't have a conclusion. Here you are doing a chemical reaction to produce a visual result. An investigation is an experiment or set of experiments designed to find something out, which is what we call the conclusion. To put it another way, the conclusion is what we decide as a consequence of what we discover in the experiment.

Is yeast bigger than an elephant?

Yeast cells are microscopic, while elephants are 9-11 feet tall. So, an elephant is larger than yeast.

Does the experiment work as well if you add the dry yeast without mixing it with water?

EH...... what the heck

What happen when bleach plus yeast plus sugar are mixed together?

I just did this experiment for my biology class. It seems that with the bleach, it kills the reaction of the yeast. It overpowers the yeast. No bubbles occur--like if it were just yeast, sugar, and warm water.