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we have sent people to moon

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Q: Why do we believe that our current model of the solar system is correct?
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How does the current model of the solar system different from past model?

it is bigger

What is an advantage of a model of the solar system?

you can see the correct order

What is a advantage of a model of the solar system?

you can see the correct order

What Model of the universe do you use today?

The current model of the solar system is the "heliocentric system" meaning sun is the center of the solar system. Hope this helps :)

Is the current model of the atom a theory or a fact?

The current model of the atom is a scientific theory. It is a well-established explanation based on experimental evidence and scientific reasoning. The model may evolve as new data or technologies become available.

Who created the current model of the solar system?

Copernicus proposed it, Galileo fought for it. It is called the Heliocentric model.

Who designed a model after the solar system?

The current model of the solar system was first conceived by Nicolaus Copernicus, but the idea of a heliocentric solar system was known to the Greeks of antiquity.

Was copernicans model of a solar centered planetary system correct?

Not completely, but it was closer than the geocentric system.

Which is the best model for a Central Vac System?

The best overall model for a central vacuum system is the Cana-Vac XLS Series model. This type of vacuum system costs about $600.00 depending on current promotions.

Why did people believe Copernicus model was correct?

no people did not belive that Copernicus model was correct. he thought that the moon revolves (turns) around the earth and the people thought something else (don't know sorry)

What did Tycho Brahe believe about the Solar System?

Brahe believed in the heilocentric model. Which the sun is in the center of the solar system.

Who proposed the geocentric model of the universe?

The geocentric model of the universe was proposed by ancient Greek astronomers like Aristotle and Ptolemy. This model placed the Earth at the center of the universe with celestial bodies orbiting around it.