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Q: Why do we close the petri dish when growing bacteria?
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What is a two-piece glass or plastic dish used for growing bacteria or mold?

A "petri dish"

What is the container used for growing mold or bacteria called?

the containor used for growing mold and bacteria is the PETRI DISH. a lot of people use agar as the gel to grow mold and bacteria

How does the population growth curve of humans compare with that of bacteria on a petri dish?

The current population of humans is growing at a rapid rate and not indicating it is slowing down to a carrying capacity. Bacteria exhibit this type of growth when growing in a petri dish in a lab.

A mass of bacteria growing in a petri dish?

Any bacteria with right nutrient in vitro can be cultured. This method is very useful when carrying out any experiment. As long as nutrient medium is maintained bacteria will grow with no problems in a petri dish.

What is a petri disk?

A petri dish is a small glass plate used for, among other things, growing bacteria cultures to examine under a microscope.

What are the uses of petri dishes?

is a shallow cylindrical glass or plastic lidded dish that biologists use to culture cells - such as bacteria - or small mosses.

Why did Alexander Fleming invent penisilin?

Rosalia invented penisilin!!!!!!! nobody invented penicillin, it was discovered by Alexander Fleming growing in a petri dish when he noticed that it killed bacteria growing in the dish.

Why can bacteria be grown in a petri-dish but not possible for viruses?

Viruses need host cells to replicate and this cannot be done by growing them like bacteria cells are grown.

What scientific instrument can grow bacteria and has a lid?

a petri dish

What is petri dish used for?

It's used for breeding bacteria!!

What is the uses of petri dish in physics?

A Petri dish is a shallow glass or plastic cylindrical dish that biologists use to culture cells, which can be bacteria, animal, plant, or fungus.

A doctor grows some bacteria in a petri dish for several days which is the independent variable in this situation?

number of bacteria in the dish