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Q: Why do we consider humans supreme predators?
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Are humans predators of goats?

Many humans raise goats for their meat as well as their milk. So if you want to consider that humans predating on goats, then yes.

Why are predators viewed as bad by people?

Not all people consider predators to be bad, but it is obvious why they would think they might be. Predators can harm other animals, humans, plants, whatever. They can cause destruction to all ecosystems, including human ones. Not all humans consider predators to be bad. Think about it, humans actually are predators. We eat all kinds of plants and animals. We cut down forests ans clear land for our own uses.Really, everyone and everything is a predator to something else.

For the Sumatran tigers who are their predators?

we HUMANS are there predators

What is are the predators of an eagle?

predators of an eagle are humans.

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humans are thier predators

Can humans be dolphins predators?

Humans can be predators of any species. If you kill the dolphin you are a predator

Why do bunnies hate the smell of humans?

They don't hate the smell of humans, but rather are cautious of the smell of predators. To a wild rabbit, humans are predators. To pet bunnies, humans may not be associated as predators.

What predators hunt tigers?

Humans are a tiger's predators.

Do Beaver have predators?

Humans and wolves are the beaver's predators.

What are the cod's predators?

the cods predators are whales and humans>

Do dingos have predators?

there are not a lot of predators but humans can be one

What eats wolf that humans do?

Wolves don't have any natural predators. Humans are the only predators to wolves.