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Q: Why do we have enzyme in our stomach to break proteins down?
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What nutrients break down in the stomach?

Proteins are digested in the stomach. Pepsin is the enzyme, which is responsible for breaking the peptide bond of the proteins.

In which Organ of the digestive system does pepsin works?

Breaks down the proteins into peptide chains

Where is the enzyme that breaks down proteins?

Digestion of protein starts from stomach. In stomach the proteolytic enzymes such as pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin are produced and act of proteins derived from food. But in general, an enzyme can break down proteins anywhere (in lab environment too) if there is optimal condition (such as buffer, pH) is provided.

What enzyme breakdown proteins?

Proteases break down proteins.

What enzyme is in the stomach?

The enzyme present in the stomach is pepsin. It breaks down the proteins in food while in your stomach and helps with the digestive process.

What main enzyme does the stomach secrete?

The stomach primarily secretes the enzyme pepsin, which is a type of protease, which breaks down proteins.

Acid breaks down food were?

Acid breaks down the food in the stomach. Pepsin is the enzyme that breaks down the proteins from the food, in the stomach. Highly acidic pH helps to break down the food.

Is pepsin produced by the pancreas?

Pepsin is an enzyme whose responsibility it is to break down proteins in the body. Pepsin is not produced by the pancreas; it is produced by the stomach.

What is the function of proteinase?

This an enzyme which helps to break down proteins.

What enzyme speeds the breakdown of proteins in food?

Peptidase is the enzyme that speeds up the break down of proteins found in food. Another enzyme is called pepsin.Protease

How does cheese break down inside your body?

Cheese is broken down in the stomach using the pepsin enzyme to break down the proteins and fats. Then, these proteins and fats are absorbed through the small intestine. The residual mass (such as rennet) is passed onto the large intestine to dispose.

What breaks food down after it reaches the stomach?

Enzymes break down large food molecules into more useful nutrients. In the stomach, this is carried out by the enzyme pepsin. This is a protease, so it will digest proteins into amino acids.