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The foundation of the Electoral College was the 'College of Electors' created mainly due to the difficulties in communication and transportation during the early part of the history of the USA. The 12th amendment to the constitution ratified and codified this process 'trumping' a few statements in the 10th amendment. Whether this system is still appropriate is subject to intense debate and all recent attempts to modify the system have essentially sought to abolish it completely in favor of the 'popular vote' being the sole determining factor in who becomes President of the United States of America.

An area, state or region will not have votes of less value just because another section of the US is highly densely populated.

For instance if Montana has 900,000 people and NY has 10 million. Montana would have less of a voice but since there is an electoral system NY can have 200 million and Montana will still have a say stronger then 1/200 or at least a say stronger then they would have if there was a popular vote.

It helps protect the interest of the regions and industries in the states.

Each state gets 2 for their senators and then depending on the representatives in the house they get more.

(Since the lasts of America are vast and the colonies were spread, moving and migration was to very common, popular vote just did not make much sense for then one area could simply become to powerful or too much of a main focus ignoring others)

In the back of an important document written from our founding fathers is an essay on why and how the electoral system is in place and it really is beautiful. I just cannot remember where it was written.

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An electoral system has been used to elect the President of the United States for as long as there has been a United States . This method is specified in the Constitution whose ratification by the states created the union that is the United States. If you are asking why the President is not elected directly, there are several reasons. One is that it was not practical in 1787 to certify and tabulate all voters and votes. Another is that the whole of electing a president was a radical one and many were fearful of giving the common people, most of whom could not read, too much power . Kings were born into their position and educated accordingly.

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Electoral Collage... this system established by the Constitution to elect the president.

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The electoral system is criticized because individual votes do not really count in an electoral system. Some people think this is unfair, and that officers should be elected by the majority vote, not by the number of electorates.

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There are many types of electoral systems all have advantaged and disadvantages. You need to be more specific what system are you asking about.

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The electoral college system is criticized for potentially allowing a candidate to win the presidency without winning the popular vote, leading to outcomes that do not reflect the overall will of the people. It is also seen as giving disproportionate power to swing states and leading to campaigns that focus on winning those states rather than representing the entire population. Additionally, critics argue that the system is outdated and does not align with democratic principles.

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Individuals who support the candidate that lost the Electoral College election generally are against the Electoral College system.

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The Electoral college is the Presidential voting system. The electoral college gives each state a certain amount of electoral votes. If a presidential candidate wins the majority of the citizens votes, he will also get the electoral vote.

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The Electoral college system