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Q: Why do we hear a sound when we clap our hands together?
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Why you hear a sound when you clap your hands together?

the hands make a compression wave that travels through the air. Your ears pick up that compression wave and turns it into a neuron impulse that your brain registers as sound.

Why you hear a sound when you clap your hands together.?

the hands make a compression wave that travels through the air. Your ears pick up that compression wave and turns it into a neuron impulse that your brain registers as sound.

Why do you hear a sound when you clap your hands together?

the hands make a compression wave that travels through the air. Your ears pick up that compression wave and turns it into a neuron impulse that your brain registers as sound.

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What causes you to hear a clap?

Your ears pick up the sound.

Why do you hear a sound when you clap?

The clap creates vibrations in the air that eventually reach our ears. A message is then sent to our brains, saying "a clap has occurred."

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Why can you see light in space but can't hear sound?

Sounds which the human ear can detect are caused by the movement of air. In a vacuum, air does not exist, therefore nothing defined as "sound" can exist. And example of sound is the clapping of two hands. The sound is created by the rapid movement of air from between the palms when clapping. If no air moves, then no sound is created. You may clap your hands in a vacuum and no sound will be emitted because a vacuum may be described as the absence of air.

Why isn't a deaf clap the same as a regular clap?

Because the deaf person can't hear you clap.

Why do you see a flashed of lightning before you hear a clap of thunder?

Because the speed of light travels faster than the speed of sound.

In grammar what do you call words that make sound?

All words make a sound, if they didn't make a sound we wouldn't hear them.Maybe you mean words that imitate the sound of a thing. eg clap splash beep dingThese words are called onomatopoeia.

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Action: Action Action We want Action A C T (clap) I O N (clap) Acton Action We Want Action Shoot Shoot: Shoot Shoot 4 2 or 3 Shoot shoot 4 2 Clap Your Hands: Clap Your Hands everybody Everybody make some sound Some sound Cuz we are the bolts The best team around Here we go (clap) We want more: How bout a basket how about a score we already got some but we want more Be Aggressive: Be Aggressive BE Aggressive B E A G G R E S S I V E Grant our wish: Common Guys Grant our wish All we wan to hear is Swish Color Shout: Say what about Say what about Say what about our color shout blue blue gold gold blue gold and white