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The framers of the Constitution intended the President to have ordinance powers. The powers directly granted the Presidency depend on the President's ability to issue and implement orders, or to authorize subordinates to do so.

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Q: Why do we know that the framers intended the president to have ordinance power?
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The ordinance power refers to the power of the President to .?

The ordinance power refers to the power of the President to issue executive orders.

What the ordinance power?

An ordinance power is the power of the President to issue executive orders.

The ordinance power is?

An ordinance power is the power of the President to issue executive orders.

What is the ordinance power?

The ordinance power of the president allows him to create laws when immediate action is required and Congress is not in session. This is meant for emergency situations only, and most lawmaking should be left to the Congress to ensure that checks and balances are in place.

Who intended to limit the president's power?

The Founding Fathers intended to limit the President's power, but they never envisioned the gutless wonders the legislature has become.

What did the framers mean to accomplish by the indirect election of the president?

The framers of the Constitution intended to establish a balance of power and prevent the majority from directly electing the president. They aimed to give greater influence to smaller states and ensure that the president would have broad support across the country. Additionally, indirect election was seen as a protection against direct democracy and potential manipulation by the masses.

Does ordinance power give the president the power to issue executive orders?

Yes the ordinance power give the president absolute power to summon all executive orders, its for the benefit of country law and order to have one supreme responsibility power where the bucks stop.

Why did the framers of the constitution give the president the power to veto a law passed by congress?


What is the ordinance of power of the president?

The ordinance power of the president allows him to create laws when immediate action is required and Congress is not in session. This is meant for emergency situations only, and most lawmaking should be left to the Congress to ensure that checks and balances are in place.

What is an ordinance power?

Ordinance power gives the President of the United States the power to run the executive branch of the government. It allows him to issue executive orders.

What inference can you make about how the framers intended to distribute power within the federal government?

The framers distributed the power of the Constitution because the new world was to be created by the people. The new world wanted to get out from under the rule of one person, like in England.

In essence the ordinance power gives the President the right to do what kind of things?

The ordinance power gives the president the temporary right to make laws when necessary. This is an event that occurs generally when congress is not in session.