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It is an interesting philosophical question. The answers you will get depend on a person's view on religion. Below are two answers already. I was sorely tempted to delete the answer that is from someone with religious belief as they have not answered your question. However, I think it serves very well to illustrate a point. They appear to be religious for reward and because of a fear of punishment. I think it illustrates the lack of thinking that goes into most religious people's views. Why would a rational person believe in a supernatural entity simply for fear of an imagined punishment or the reaping of an imagined reward? More over for an afterlife that not a single person ever in the history of the human race has been able to prove, and don't think for a second that Christians haven't been trying to prove it.

To clear up my position (in case you hadn't guessed!) I am an Atheist so I do not believe in supernatural entities of any sort whether it be Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, Vampires, Yahweh, God, Ghosts or Demons. So I maintain that we do not need religion.

Back to your question. All of the positive values that Religious Organisation promote are universal values shared by nearly the entire human race regardless of religion (or lack of), or race. So I contend that these values exist not because of religion but because they are universal human values.

Plenty of moral and immoral acts have been carried out by those who are religious and those who are not so from that point of view you could argue that humans act as they will regardless of the belief system or religion they choose to follow.

In ancient times when science has not explained many of the things we accept today as common knowledge and education was very limited, you can understand how people believed in magic and demons. The world was scary, life was hard and mortality high believing in an afterlife is comforting.

Many of the things that people used to believe then are laughed off now, how could they think that? But people still cling to this belief in Gods and afterlife, maybe it's too scary to accept that this is the only life we get? Maybe people are so arrogant or insecure that they have to convince themselves we are 'special' and created by a 'god in his image' rather than accept that we are simply another animal that evolved on this planet as is all other life.

Maybe it is intellectual laziness, rather than try and understand our world and universe simply state that 'god' made it because the ideas and possibilities thrown up by science are too big and scary?

Religious belief is eroding as education levels improve around the world and this is to be expected. Belief in the irrational (and believing in things that cannot be proved is irrational) is caused by ignorance, lack of education or brainwashing inflicted in child hood. Education can easily counter the first two causes the last is the hardest to conquer. If you ever really question a religious person on their beliefs they can never provide a satisfactory answer and the reason is because there are none...

Read this wiki article on religion for a more factual and less opinion based article on Religion.


Your future depends on your beliefs. If you want to spend the rest of eternity burning in the lake of fire, then fine! but if you're like me you would want to live in a glorious kingdom that has streets that are paved with gold. A city with the river of life just outside the gates. surrounded by all GOD's glory and all of your loved ones..... what's not to love?


There is no need for religion, a person can live a full and rewarding life without any faith. Almost every aspect of human interaction that is claimed to come from religion is as easily and more properly attributed to instinctive survival social interactions that we share with animals. The concern that "yol'll go to hell if you don't belive" is not supported by any reputable evidence.

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11y ago

Civilizations have always, before even before a distinct Law system, had Religion.

In fact most Laws are based around/upon Religious ideals that have existed for thousands of years. Religion, in most cases, provides people with a stable margin between right and wrong (or it should), and is usually based upon Morality.

Religion gives people reason, purpose, hope and guidance. The less we knew about the world back around Incan, Ancient Egyptian and Aztecan days, the more Religion was relied upon to provide answers. And it's the familiarity built up through those thousands of years that keeps Religion going, in all its forms.

The more we understand about science, the further they say we move from Religion. But people are finding ways to incorporate Science and belief simultaneously.

Society, for the most part, is coming to terms with HOW things work.

Science obviously explains that. Religion simply asks WHY things work.

That's probably why it is so hard to remove Religion from the equation.

People have always wondered if there is a point to it all.

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9y ago

Religion is as old as man himself. To know the precise history of religion is pretty hard, but it is a fact that wherever human civilization exists there is religion. Society without religion will not only collapse morally but it will do so in all other aspects. In Islam, we have a prophetic saying by our beloved prophet that says: I was sent to perfect honourable morals. This is religion. It is the way of life, that if we live by it, all problems will be solved, but no one does. Have a great day.

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'religion is a set of beliefs and practices which seeks to offer of existence and regulates indivitaul and social behaviour by acting as an agency of social control'

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Because it is a link (or THE link) to God.

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