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Q: Why do whales leave their summer feeding?
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How are blue whales able to sustain themselves between feedings?

They store extra fat reserves in their blubber during the summer when the feeding is good. This allows the whales to go months without food.

When Is Mating Season For Blue Whales?

winter, and then the mothers leave to go to warmer waters and give birth in the summer winter, and then the mothers leave to go to warmer waters and give birth in the summer

What kind of animals use filter feeding?

whales use filter feeding

What whales do not have the same feeding structure as a blue whale?

Blue whales are baleen whales or filter feeders. Any whale classified as a toothed whale has a different mode of feeding, hence do not have baleen, but teeth.

Do all humpback whales migrate?

No. According to research, very young whales usually do not head to breeding grounds, and females not wishing to mate that season will stay in the feeding grounds. Also animals too old, who no longer feel the urge to mate, or perhaps older females no longer going into estrus will not migrate.

Where do blue whales migrate?

Winter: warm, low latitude tropical waters (breed and give birth) Summer: cooler, high latitude polar waters (feeding)

What are the gray whales doing now?

Grey Whales are probaly feeding on krill at the moment or venturing through the sea .

What does a blue whale eat for tea?

Blue whales usually feed at depths of less than 100m on shrimplike crustaceans knowns as "krill". Blue whales may consume up to 5.5-6.4 metric tons of food per day during the summer feeding season.

Do humpback whales eat krill?

Humpbacks, like all the filter feeding baleen whales, will happily eat krill when they can get it.

What type of whale live in nz?

Most baleen whales (whales without teeth), are migratory, and usually spend the summer months near one of the two poles, feeding on fish or krill, depending on the species. During the winter, they usually leave the polar regions and head for warmer water near the Equator. There is no food for most whales to eat there; instead whales spend that time either finding mates or raising a calf, using only their stored fat for energy. In New Zealand, you might be able to find Bryde's whales and Pygmy Bryde's whales, Fin whales (one of the largest animals on Earth), Humpback whales, Pygmy Right whales (although there have only been 20 recorded sightings since 1998), Sei whales, and the Southern Right whale. The other group of whales are the toothed whales, and many of them wouldn't be considered real whales (IE, dolphins, porpoises, etc).

Do whales sleep in the summer?

No. While they do sleep in the Summer, they do not sleep any more in the Summer than in the Winter.

Are blue herbivores?

Blue whales are carnivores, feeding on small crustacean's, plankton, and any small fish that get caught up when feeding.