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to keep your body clean

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Q: Why do white blood cells kill every single germ inside your body?
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How many white blood cell are there for every 600 to 800 red blood cell?

There are 500 white blood cells to every 1000 red blood cells (or you could say there is double the amount of red blood cells). The answer would be 200 red blood cells for every 100 white blood cells.

Does every part of the body have red blood cells?

As the name says, red blood cells are found in the blood. If there is blood there, there is red blood cells.

What does blood need to make red blood cells?

Blood is the only fluid connective tissue in our body. It passes through every single blood capillary, tissue, and organ in our body. Hemoglobin in our red blood cells carry oxygen which is essential to the function of all the organ systems in our body.

Why organeles are not present in blood?

On the contrary, organelles are present in the blood. Blood cells are cells. All cells have organelles as they are what allow the cell to carry out its every functions.

How many white blood cells would you expect to find for every 600 red blood cells?


What does white blood cells in puppies mean?

every living thing has white blood cells they kill viruses

Does metabolic turnover replace red blood cells every 120 days?

Yes, red blood cells are recycled every 100-120 days.

What part of the blood is replaced every three to four months?

your blood cells

Where can you find bacteria cells?

Infected Cells: Inside a persons body every minute of every day Bacteria: Everywhere

Do red blood cells contain cytoplasm?

Yes. The cytoplasm contains hemoglobin, made up of Fe (iron) so that it can bind with oxygen; the iron gives blood its red color.Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes, and the body produces 2.4 million of these every single second!

Do asthma people have white blood cells?

Yes of course every human being have white blood cells asthma people are just having less blood cells...

Where is the red blood cells in the body?

Red blood cells are located every where in your body goes through body delivering oxygen to other cells