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Many reasons -

1 - For white men (in America), the culture is different. Many Latinos EXPECT the way Latin women treat them. Because they aren't used to it, many white men instead appreciate it.

2 - For better or worse, the average white male net worth is much higher than the average Latino net worth. Women want to be secure. Not hard to figure out.

3 - I know sometimes that Latinas view white men as trophies, again for whatever reason, but probably mostly because of #2.

4 - Very often, people are attracted to something different than them. This makes sense for genetic diversity.

5 - Infidelity. Many Latin women have told me that most Lations will cheat on you, while most Gringos will not. Not scientific, but I have heard this from more than a few Latin women. Doesn't matter if its true or not, what matters is they BELIEVE its true.

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