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Because vaccume cleaners are too heavy!

Also to noisy

Answer: Witches don't physically fly on brooms, that is an old wives tale created by the Catholic church and mislead peasants to try and make sense of supernatural occurrences, or occurrences that couldn't be proven by any other means at the time.

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13y ago

In fantasy literature Witches' have magical powers that allow them to make the broom fly.


In real Witchcraft traditions however, the broom or besom serves a variety of purposes; its primary function is to symbolically sweep away negative energy (or purify and protect the people living in the house, as well as the house itself), and to bring good luck (if the bristles are turned up off the floor after use; or if the broom is jumped over during a life-changing event.) Also, many Witches have non-ceremonial brooms for the same purposes other people have them, to sweep dirt off of the floor.

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11y ago

Vacuum Cleaners Are Too Heavy

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12y ago

Most targets for accused witch-craft were lower class women, who frequently had their brooms with them.

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only to get from place to place No, witches have never flew on broomsticks in real life. Only in fantasy books and movies have witches done such things.

Do all witches ride brooms and have cats?

The connection between black bats, black cats, and witches is all based on old myths and fears, and now on advertising dollars.

Why are the brooms hidden on Christmas eve in Norway?

because it is believed that witches and evil spirits come out this night looking for a cheap ride.

What do witches use to fly?


What are witches brooms?

Witches' brooms are a type of fungi characterized by their long, slender fruiting bodies that resemble traditional brooms. They are commonly found in forested areas and are not actually used for flying. The name "witches' broom" comes from folklore associating them with witchcraft.

How do you say there are 100 witches on brooms in the sky in spanish?

Translation: Hay cien brujas en escobas en el cielo. To make it a little clearer that the witches are mounted atop the brooms than that they may be inside of the brooms (the Spanish is ambiguous), you could say "Hay cien brujas montadas en escobas en el cielo." which translates to "There are 100 witches riding brooms in the sky."

When did it begin and on what day is it celebrated?

it was created by voodoo dolls with witches that carried brooms

Did witches actually fly on brooms?

Witches are a myth, they did not and do not exist as depicted in books and films. Nor did they fly, on a broom or anything else.

How would you use the word broom in a sentence?

hhh "I sweft the hall with the broom." "Witches fly on brooms!"

How did cats and brooms become associated with witches on Halloween?

Witches of the middle ages were more often than not thought to be women, and a disproportionate number of those condemned as witches were in fact female. Women of the time did the work of running the household and part of that included the cleaning. Brooms were part and parcel of their "equipment" so when looking for "proof" that a woman was a witch, the accusers could point to the broom and say, "There is proof". This dose not mean modern day witches don't use brooms (we call them Bessoms) as part of some of our Rituals. The Bessom is used to ritually cleanse the area we use for our Circle (Sacred space) and as a common part of Hand-fasting Rituals (weddings).

Do witches ride dragons?

No, and witches do not truly exist(nor do dragons).