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Women do that because in their mind they're thinking, 'We were so perfect together, why'd he have to break up with me?', or maybe something like, 'I did everything right, what went so wrong?'. Oh, and then there's that one moment that they all their friends at her house eating their 'comfort food' (like ice cream for example) talking about how horrible that guy was. But, it usually goes on for a few days, possibly a week. If the stage goes on for more than two weeks, that lady really needs to get a life.

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Q: Why do women become crazy when emotionally hurt by a man?
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Why do men intentionally emotionally hurt women?

because they want to cheat

Do men think about women they've hurt?

If you mean do mean get hurt by women emotionally, yes, on average more so then women, we don't have the same support from friends. Takes men longer to get over things.

How can you hurt a man emotionally?

A man can be hurt emotionally in the same ways that a woman can. If you lie to him, cheat on him, or disrespect him, he will likely be hurt emotionally. It is not good to seek out to hurt anyone in this way. If he hurt you, then either forgive him or end the relationship. Getting even never works.

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yes to show there man power and that women are only strong emotionally and not physically. more or less they are jerks!!

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Because they are afraid to get emotionally hurt.

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When you hurt someone emotionally, is when you say mean things to them. Or pick on someone with low self-esteem.When hurt someone fiscally is when you abuse them constantly.When you hurt someone emotionally, it would take longer to heal then when you hurt someone fiscally.Hope this helps !!Good Luck

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Simply put, yes. Emotionally and physically.

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