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so they can let everyone know how much she paid for them

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Q: Why do women leave the tags on the bottoms of their shoes?
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Related questions

What is the difference between Levis red tag and Levis orange tag?

In the 1970s, there was a rumor that red tags were cut fuller for people with larger hips and rears, and orange tags were a slimmer cut. When I tried my first pair of straight-leg Levis (vs the bell bottoms which had been in vogue for years), I hated them because they seemed baggy and ill-fitting. My mother had bought me red tags, and when my sister suggested I try a pair of orange tags they fit much better and I loved them. I don't know whether this was a psychological trick or not, but it sold me on the notion that the red tags and the orange tags were designed differently.

What do movie theater employees wear?

They usually wear vests with name tags, name of movie theatre, and possibly buttons. Bottoms are usually black plain pants. they sometimes have keys to their side.

What is the best way to remove skin tags?

As they are considered harmless, most doctors recommend that you leave the tags alone. They are harmless tumors, normally found on body parts that incur friction.

What HTML lines are used to hide javascript from older browsers?

The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are The comment tags which are

How do compleate all missions?

you must complete all missions there are no cheats to complete. And if you do all spray tags and found all hores shoes you upgrades and guns.

Why are treasury tags called treasury tags?

Because they treasure tags

What is the difference between paired Tags n Unpaired tags?

paired tags are those tags which have both opening and closing tagse.g. < body>unpaired tags are those tags which don't have a closing tage.g. < BR >

What are self-closing tags in HTML?

Self-closing tags are tags that don't have a "" to close it.These tags include:imginputbrareabasecolembedkeygenlinkmetaparamsourcetrackand wbr

Who owns these tags?

who own these tags

What types of tag can you create?

Tags without criteria and Criteria-based tags

What are HTML codes that control the appearance of the document contents?


What came first dog tags or military dog tags?

If you are refering to tags for dogs they are not called "dog tags". So the Military one came first.