

Why do women need a lot calcium.?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Women are more prone to osteoperosis a bone disorder and calcium is good for bone

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Q: Why do women need a lot calcium.?
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Why women need calcium?

bone health.

Why do older people need a lot of calcium?

they need more calcium to make there bones stronger .

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you need to battle with him a lot, and give him massages and calcium's

How is calcium important to the development of the fetus?

The fetus needs calcium for its bones so fetus has its calcium from his mum during pregnancy so that most people say to the women who are pregnant to drink a lot of milk cause it contains calcium

What can you eat for strong bones?

Bones need calcium and vitamin D. Dairy products have a lot of calcium, and you can get vitamin D from sunbathing.

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Green vegetables are the healthiest because they have a lot of protein and calcium pin them. You need protein and calcium to grow and be stronger.

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The element found in limestone that humans need for stronger bones is Calcium. Lack of sufficient calcium can lead to osteoporosis, especially in women.

Why do pregnant women need more calcium than not pregnant women?

Because part of everything they eat goes to the growing baby. So they need to eat a little extra all over, and particularly of some extra important stuff. Like calcium, for growing bones.

Why do babies need a lot of calcium?

To keep her nice and healthy and to make sure baby has some calcium from her breast milk too.

What should breastfeeding women do before taking calcium channel blockers?

Women who need to take this medicine and want to breastfeed their babies should check with their physicians.

How harmful is it to eat sponges while pregnant?

I think you might have pica. A lot of pregnant women develop pica. You need to call your OB/GYN right away and find a solution. You need to be sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins, eating healthy, and getting enough calcium.

Why does a snail need calcium?

I have discovered snail trails eaten into a degraded concrete pathway around a millimetre or so deep. I can only presume that by doing this, they aquire calcium for their shell.