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Q: Why do women only wear one garter?
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Does a bride wear her garter during her wedding ceremony or only during the reception?

Traditionally she'd wear it thru the ceremony (who has time to remember to put it on in between) and again - traditionally this is your 'something blue'..... Personally, I had two on. One as my personal keepsake and then the one to toss ....

What is symbolic about throwing the brides garter at a wedding reception?

Just like the Bride throwing her bouquet out to the single women, the woman that catches it will be the next one to get married. When all the single men gather to catch the garter the one who catches it will be the next to marry.

What is the difference between a rattlesnake and a garter snake?

One is a Garter Snake and one is a rattle snake.

Why were female knights not alllowed?

Answer:Because female knights would be too weak to hold a heavy sword or to wear an armour.Answer:Women were allowed to be knights.There are many instances of women who were in combat, including one of the wives of Charlemagne, against whom she had fought, and Eleanor of Aquitaine, who lead a company of female warriors in the Second Crusade. A number of orders of knighthood were open to women, including the Knights of the Garter. And there was one order in Aragon that was only open to women who had been in combat.There is a link to a related question on this below.

What does the Bride wear on her thigh during the Wedding?

The bride wears a garter about three inches above her knee. When it's time she will sit on a chair and music will play; the groom will make a big production of taking the garter off his bride and then throwing it over his shoulder to the single men behind him. Whoever catches the garter is suppose to be the next one married.

Where to catch garter snakes?

There are THOUSANDS of Garter Snakes in captivity - WHY would you want to remove one from the wild !

What is the religious reason women in Muslim countries wear a veil?

Because they believe that only their husbands should be able to look at them, no one else.

What rhymes with smarter?

Barter, garter, martyr, starter.Carter; darter (as in snail or one who darts); farter; garter; starter;

Do men or women wear more seat belts?

Both wear one each. :P Sorry.

What do you call the garment women wear in Saudi Arabia?

it is called a hijjab. i wear one so i know. :-)

Do Orthodox Jewish women wear hats?

Orthodox Jewish women cover their hair in public once they're married. One way to do this is to wear hats.

Are boy Muslims allowed to wear earings?

No it is haram because jewelery was made for women, not men, and it is very haram. the only jewelry men are allowed to wear is rings, only if its not gold. gold is haram fo men