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Usually , she is really mad at something you did.

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Q: Why do women tell men to leave?
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Women don't have sperm.

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She wont get her period and she will tell you.

Why do men stray and then tell you not to leave them?

Jelousy, possesiveness and small mindedness.

Why women leave men?

People leave people for whatever their own personal reasons are - not all people are compatible.

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In exactly the same way that white American women can get white American men to leave them alone. Say no, politely and firmly.

Why do women blush around men they like?

Because most women will never tell the men that they are interested, they want the men to ask them out....honestly their just letting them know they want the men

How did world war 2 affect men and woman?

men had to leave so women had to take over their jobs

How are women affected by religion?

religion can't affect women or men or animal because it is from god , when religion tell the women to wear hijab "cover her body" to protect her from men and to protect men's Instinct

Why did women protested in world war 1?

Women had won the job of men while the men were away. When men came back and demanded their jobs back, the women had already grown fond of their new jobs and wouldn't leave.