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Many people ask pointless questions when they are bored. Others do it because they really do not know the answer to the question that may seem pointless to others.

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Q: Why do you ask pointless questions?
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"Does it annoy you when I ask you pointless questions?" would be favorite.

How many people ask you questions?

about 2 with reasonable questions the rest are pointless!!

Why do some people on this site ask really pointless questions?

People asking pointless questions are insane. Just keep this in mind. Without questions there is no knowledge, without knowledge there is no civilization, thus we shall not exist. So let's go back to how people should answer a question as this, "There is no pointless or stupid question." It is also crazy when they ask questions like that. Some pointless questions are... 1. Why? 2. Are you nuts? 3. Why am I here? 4. Who is your dad? 5. Why did I do that? 6. Why do some people on this site ask really pointless questions?

Why did you enter this website?

you get to answer and ask questions and talk to people To answer pointless questions like this one

What is fifteen times three?

45. Please don't ask pointless questions!

Why do I get really angry when people ask lots of questions?

Because most of them are idiotic and pointless.

What is the meaning of If they can get you asking the wrong questions they don't have to worry about the answers?

This quote highlights the importance of asking the right questions in order to uncover the truth and challenge misleading information. By focusing on asking the right questions, it becomes harder for others to manipulate or deceive you with incorrect answers. It emphasizes the power of critical thinking and skepticism in navigating information and communication.

Why do people on WikiAnswers ask such hard and difficult and pointless questions?

Because they have nothing to do! >Might be for school work.<

What does a 11 year old do when she's bored?

A significant number of them seem to ask pointless questions on WikiAnswers.

Unanswered questionsthey are pointless?

Pointless questions do not exist. Questions like, "Why do bologna?" Those are the questions that make the world better.

What can the letters in dane stand for Like D stands for A stands for N stand for and E stands for.?

Don't Ask poiNtless quEstions

What is 0.1 of a year in hours?

876 Why do you ask pointless questions for which you obviously have a priori knowledge of the answers? Is your goal to waste my time, or yours?