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Q: Why do you burn fuels and why are these reactions so useful?
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Related questions

What are fuels made out of?

Fuels are anything that can burn so they are made of all sorts of things

Is carbon dioxide needed by fuels so it can burn?


How does burning less fossil fuels reduce the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere?

When you burn fossil fuels to make enrgy, carbon dioxide is released. So, if you burn less fossil fuels, less carbon dioxide is released.

What are the benefits of combustion reactions?

Because so many chemists like to burn things.

Why are reactions so useful to us?

Because they let us get around a lot eg like in our cars.But some reactions cause a lot of pollution so you cant use them to often. but other reactions are good!

How are fossil fuels and forrests linked to the greenhouse effect?

when you burn fossil fuels you get greenhouse gasses but that causes global warming so that causes two damages to the earth and enviorment.

What are the advantages of natural gas energy?

Natural. gas doesn't burn wood or fossil fuels, so it is healthier for the planet.

Why is it good to use solar energy?

because you do not have to burn fossil fuels (which is good for the enviornment) one day these fossil fuels will run out, so we need a renewable energy source (something that won't run out)

Why are exothermic reactions so important to the human race and other living things?

Exothermic and Endothermic reactions are part of the natural universe. Without it, temperatures would remain stagnate. In light of technology harnessing these reactions, they provide us with a number of useful abilities. They are useful in that we use these reactions to cook our food, heat our water, cool our airs and refrigerate our storages, to name a few.

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.

Why are people trying to minimize the use of fossil fuels?

Because the more we burn fossil fuels the more it contributes to negative climate change such as global warming through the greenhouse effect. Fossil fuels are also a in limited supply and so we need to cut back or come up with other solutions.

Why do we burn fossil fuels?

Because we make electricity because we need it for our homes and the area also we make cars well so we can drive and go to places.