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Q: Why do you do if part of your body is frostbitten?
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What to do If a part of your body is frostbitten?

Make sure it is in a warm place

What do i do to a frostbitten part of my body?

Put it in room temperature water...visit your doctor as soon as possible.

What is a synonym for frostbitten?

Frostbitten is an adjective to describe injured by freezing or partial freezing; "frostbitten fingers"; "frostbitten grapes, unsalable as fresh fruit". There is no synonym for the word frostbitten.

Why are you not supposed to rub frostbitten areas of the body?

Because it is shown from doctors research that it actually spreads it.

Can you give Images of first aid of frost bite?

immerse the frostbitten part in a container that has luke warm water

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Is it best to rewarm a frostbitten part by using warm water?

if you do it will sting like hell, you start with a manageable temp and progress

Can frostbitten steaks or chicken breasts be eaten safely?


What happens when marijuana is frostbitten?

The buds turn purple alot of people think they r getting purp when in actuality, they got ripped off and bought some frostbitten trees.

What do you do if a child has frostbite?

DO NOT use direct heat or more snow. And DO NOT rub the area. Immediately cover the frozen area with extra blankets or just warm it against your body. When you get it out of the cold, Remove the clothes from the frostbitten skin and soak it in warm water. It also helps if you have your child drink warm fluids. FYI: If its frostbitten feet, DO NOT let your child walk on them.

Is there a series to frostbitten by kelley Armstrong?

Yes there is. Actually... "Frostbitten" is the 10th book in the "Otherworld" Series by Kelley Armstrong. First Book being "Bitten", Second "Stolen", both narrated by Elena, after that, narrating changes.

Why can't red talk in pokemon?

#1 Either his lips are frostbitten or...i have no clue:-/