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Streets, sidewalks, buildings.

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Q: Why do you expect seepage of water into the ground to be less in big cities?
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Where do you expect seepage of water into the ground to be less in a village or in a big city give reason?

It is so because there are cemented areas in the cities & there are no open spaces

What is seepage of water in ground is called as?


Why is water so easily polluted?

Water is so easily polluted because of ground seepage. Water that is not needed in the ground will runoff into streams. If the ground has chemicals that would harm the stream or lake, the water is then polluted.

What are two ways water travels from land to the ocean?

1. Seepage from the ground 2. Runoff from the surface

What are two ways water travels from land to ocean?

1. Seepage from the ground 2. Runoff from the surface

Groundwater storage. Large amounts of water are stored in the ground. The water is still moving possibly very slowly and it is still part of the water cycle. Most of the water in the ground comes from?

Seepage from precipitation.

What two ways water travels from land to enter the ocean?

1. Seepage from the ground 2. Runoff from the surface

What are the two ways water travels from land to enter the ocean?

1. Seepage from the ground 2. Runoff from the surface

What is seepage pressure?

If fluid pressures in a soil deposit are uniformly increasing with depth according to then hydrostatic conditions will prevail and the fluids will not be flowing through the soil. is the depth below the water table. However, if the water table is sloping or there is a perched water table as indicated in the accompanying sketch, then seepage will occur. For steady state seepage, the seepage velocities are not varying with time. If the water tables are changing levels with time, or if the soil is in the process of consolidation, then steady state conditions do not apply.

How do pesticides contaminate groundwater?

Pesticides can reach water-bearing aquifers below ground from applications onto crop fields, seepage of contaminated surface water

Some water will be absorbed through the soil surface is called?

Water that is absorbed through the soil surface is called seepage. This is water that soaks into the ground, usually in a low spot of the area.

What is the large lake in the western us that has no outlet and loses water only through evaporation?

Crater Lake in Oregon. Although some water is lost through ground seepage.