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Whether you walk or run you are still lifting the mass of your body through the same height against gravity, so the amount of work done is equal in each case, but where the work is done in less time more power is required. Yes, you exert more power when you run up the stairs.

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Laury Bergnaum

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2y ago
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12y ago

Whether you walk or run you are still lifting the mass of your body through the same height against gravity, so the amount of work done is equal in each case, but where the work is done in less time more power is required. Yes, you exert more power when you run up the stairs.

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running as you are trying to do it faster

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Q: Why do you feel more tired when you climb up stairs?
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You never feel tired lost all your emotion can't laugh cry or get angry can't taste food as much as usual even if you climb your stairs you dont feel exhausted you could go on forever... help?

depressionavoid the drugs, they are legalized stimulants, and more dangerous then the older more used (abused) ones.find a counsellor or therapist

Why is it more difficult to climb stairs than to walk on level?

Stairs are inclined planes, stairs are on a slant. We bring ourselves down and up the stairs that's why they are on a slant because we are the loads.

Climbing a stair clockwise or anticlockwise is more easy?

better dont climb on the stairs

Why do we have to use more effort to climb up a flight of stairs as compared to when we go down the stairs?

Going up, you have to overcome gravity with every step.

Can donkeys climb stairs?

Donkeys are not typically good at climbing stairs due to their anatomy and lack of agility compared to other animals. They are better suited for navigating rough terrain and traveling long distances on flat ground.

Why do people with emphysema feel more tired then others?

people with emphysema feel more tired than other people because they are having difficulties with their breathing, so there bodies are using more energy and muscles to help them breathe hence why they get tired quickly and more tired than others. hope this helps!! x :)

You are male and feel weak and tired why?

after sex we r tired of moving and we do more work then female (not reallly)

Do mice climb up trees?

They might try, unless the steps are to high. don't let them climb down the stairs though, because they could fall and break their bones. I also wouldn't leave them unsupervised near stairs, even if they're trained.

Why teenagers feel tierd?

If you feel tired during the day as a teenager, you probably need to sleep more! If you are sleeping more and still feel tired, you might want to adjust how you eat. After that, if you are STILL feeling tired, you might want to go to the doctor to see if they have additional recommendations, or potentially get tested for Mononucleosis. Mononucleosis

Do disability ramps make us more open to a dalek invasion?

No. It is a mistakenly held view that Daleks are troubled by stairs. Long before the levitating Dalek in the 2005 season, Daleks had been shown to be able to climb stairs.

Are stairs force multipliers or speed multipliers?

Stairs are force multipliers because they require more force to climb compared to walking on a flat surface. While stairs can lead to a decrease in speed due to the additional effort required, they are not primarily designed to increase speed.

What are the Physiological effects of diabetes?

the most common are you feel more tired , you go to the loo more often to urinate