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ever heard of too much of a good thing.. suger is a quick form of energy and carbs are a slow long term form of energy that takes a while to kick in. these two forms of energy is prossesed and consumed/turned into energy by insulin to glucose. so too much at one time or alot over a time period can be too much for your pancreas (organ that produces insulin) thus resulting the condition Diabetes this is where your body dosent produce insulin, its like the pancreas worked to hard and gave up. too much sugar can make you fat and breakout. so the bottom line is that you can consume a little bit of it just dont live on it.

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Q: Why do you get sick when you consume too much sugar?
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What illness does sugar cause?

If you consume too much sugar, too often; it can turn into Diabetes.

Can you get sick from too much sugar?

Oh yes you can believe me

Can you eat pop tarts when your sick?

no because it has a lot of sugar and if you eat too much sugar when youre sick, youll be sick longer.

What are facts about sugar?

Sugar is stikcy sweet stuff you can eat. But if you eat too much you will get sick.

How long does it take to make people sick?

Too much sugar makes people sick in about few minutes.

Why do you feel so sick after eating marshmallows?

It is likely from ingesting too much sugar.

Can to much sugar make you sick when drinking alcohal?

Too much sugar is going to make you sick PERIOD. Just ask kids at Halloween time. Are you sure it wasnt the alcohol making you sicker!!??

Is there a disease that makes you need to consume an abundance of suger?

The disease associated with consuming an abundance of sugar is diabetes but it does not make you need to consume large amounts of sugar. Eating too much sugar can make you ill and cause you to gain weight.

What would happen if you have a cake batter with too much sugar?

You will get really fat and sick... yuck!

Is sugar bad for hypertension?

Consuming excess sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity, which are risk factors for hypertension. Additionally, sugary foods and drinks can lead to insulin resistance and increased inflammation, both of which can contribute to high blood pressure. It's recommended to limit added sugars in your diet to help manage hypertension.

What will happen if you have too much sugar?

If you have too much sugar, you may get Diabetes and maybe cavities in your teeth. So always have a little bit of sugar. Not too much unless you wanna become sick and unhealthy. Sugar does not cause diabetes, it is to do with your glands which produce insulin

Can horses eat donuts?

NO!! Donuts have too much fat for horses and the sugar would make them sick!!!